About us

Here you can read about Malmö Pride itself, our values, the amazing board that makes all of this possible and more.

Malmö Pride is a non-profit, members-run organisation running year-round events leading up to our Pride Festival every summer. The festival was first arranged in Malmö in 1995, under the name ‘The Rainbow Festival’. In 2015 the name of the festival was changed to ‘Malmö Pride’ and the organisation, Malmö Pride, was founded.
Our four-day festival in the summer is a vibrant expression of LGBTQIA+ culture and human rights activism in southern Sweden. From cultural events to sports and health activities, music to performing arts, literature to art, Malmö Pride is a platform that brings together actors from various fields to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. With its broad range of activities, the festival aims to increase LGBTQIA+ visibility in the Skåne Region. Join us for an unforgettable celebration of love, equality, and human rights!
We, as Malmö Pride, are committed to strengthening LGBTQIA+ rights and working in solidarity with other discrimination prevention organizations. We welcome all who respect LGBTQIA+ culture and stand behind the UN declarations on Human Rights, and Conventions on women’s and children’s rights. We strive to be a feminist, anti-racist, and non-heteronormative organization that promotes intersectional analysis and supports the exploration of gender and sexuality. We are politically and religiously independent and work to ensure everyone’s right to participate in the LGBTQIA+ community. For a more detailed list of our values click here.
The work of Malmö Pride is equally focused on celebrating our achievements and each other as it is fighting for our rights and strengthening the community. We wish to spread awareness and knowledge through culture, discussions, community and exchange of ideas, while creating long lasting change. We aim to create a safe place for the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole, built on the diverse needs of the community and an intersectional perspective.
Andrea Correa

Project Leader

Daniel Jeremiah Persson


Barbora Majdisova

Vice Chairperson

Ian Noresson

Board Secretary

Alexandre Martins


Dina Hamida

Board member

Kit Brown

Board member

Ditte Sommer

Board member

Martta Mäkinen

Board deputy

Simóne Riis Hasselskog

Board deputy
