Date: 2024-07-02

Time: 10.00.00


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Malmö Stadsarkiv magasinvisning

Date: 2024-07-03

Time: 12.00.00

At Malmö Stadsarkiv, Bergsgatan 20, 214 22 Malmö

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  • A viewing of the Malmö Stadsarkiv archive with focus on Malmö queer history with Suzanne Sandberg, stadsarkivarie i Malmö. Fil. Mag. I historia med inriktning kulturhistoria. Särskilt intresse socialhistoria och polisarkiv.

Organised by Malmö Stadsarkiv

Malmö Stadsarkiv Catalogue Showing

Date: 2024-07-03

Time: 16.00.00

At Malmö Stadsarkiv, Bergsgatan 20, 214 22 Malmö

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  • A viewing of the Malmö Stadsarkiv archive with focus on Malmö queer history with Suzanne Sandberg, stadsarkivarie i Malmö. Fil. Mag. I historia med inriktning kulturhistoria. Särskilt intresse socialhistoria och polisarkiv.

Organised by Malmö Stadsarkiv

PAGE 28: Poesiworkshop och worksharing

Date: 2024-07-03

Time: 18:00

At Page 28, Karlskronaplan 11

SLM: Lesbisk pubkväll

Date: 2024-07-03

Time: 20:00

At SLM Malmö, Sallerupsvägen 30, 212 18 Malmö

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  • Endast för kvinnor Ingen dresskod. Gratis!

Indigo Flamingo at Skånes Dansteater

Date: 2024-07-03

Time: 21:00

At Skånes Dansteater, Östra Varvsgatan 13A, 211 73 Malmö

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  • Welcome to the dreamlike clubland of Indigo Flamingo - a dance performance inspired by Malmö’s LGBTQIA+ history, places and people. For tickets and more information go to: https://www.skanesdansteater.se/indigo-flamingo With only five summer shows Skånes Dansteater opens up the doors for Indigo Flamingo, an interactive performance by the choreographer Gwyn Emberton in collaboration with members of the LBTQIA+ community of Malmö and Malmö Pride. Host and DJ Qarl Qunt (Sofia Södergård) invites you to step into the dreamlike clubland of 'Indigo Flamingo', filled with the highs and lows of memories and ideas that appear out of the dance floor itself. It will be a party that’s like no other, and with a setlist to match, from club classics to seventies disco and Schlager hits that have been selected by members of the community, with some surprises thrown in and mixed by Mr Qarl Qunt himself. This is (Malmö’s) history with a twist but with lots of dancing.

Pride Karaoke at Fagans with U Can Sing With Us

Date: 2024-07-03

Time: 21.30.00

At Fagans, Per Weijersgatan 4, 211 34 Malmö

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  • Sing your heart out with Malmö's silkiest karaoke club.

Teater Dictat - Sketches Invented and Drawn

Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 17:00

At Bastionen, Norra Vallgatan 28, Malmö.

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  • Sketches Invented and Drawn Newly written drama in English by Matthew Short! After a first run of celebrated performances at Dublin Gay Theatre Festival the show is now coming to Malmö during Pride week A tour-de-sex from the 19th century to today! In this raw and evocative monologue Johan Svensson assumes the role of its playwright, Matthew, as he traces a journey of a life lived in the cracks of history. From Devon to Gothenburg, Naples to London, gay men populate our past and present in ways untold before. Reality bends, just like its men, and the threads that pull Matthew together slowly become undone. Now Johan is left trying to piece it all together. Like a true epic, this play spans the European continent with a uniquely Sw-english perspective. Playwright · Matthew Short Performer · Johan Svensson Director · Magdi Saleh Duration: 75 minutes. ”Something quite different, with a lovely classical coating /…/ the velvety tones of Svensson are at times hypnotic" – recension på Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 ”Superbly entertaining, exquisitely delivered, outstanding” – audience reaction, Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 Supported by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Region Halland, Varbergs kommun.

Malmö Devilants 20 år - Prova på Bowling

Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 17.00.00

At Baltiska bowlinghallen, Stadiongata 27, Malmö

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  • Ny eller gammal - prova på bowling Skor finns att hyra

Organised by Malmö Devilants Sports Club

Drag Queen Bingo: Pride Edition

Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 19:00

At Plan B , Norra Grängesbergsgatan 26B, 214 50 Malmö, Sweden

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  • Lady Busty och Miss Shameless är två galna drag queen “kittens” som har sin ”litter box” i Malmö. De älskar att bjuda på sig själva och så här beskrivs dom bäst ”They put the fun in dysfunctional"-vad är din diagnos? Att få vara sig själv är viktigt för dom så om man inte riktigt vet vem man är så kan dom hjälpa dig att finna dig själv! Förvänta er byst och skamlösa förslag när dom visar sig i din närvaro! Orkar man inte vänta så följ deras galna upptåg på Facebook och Instagram https://www.facebook.com/ladybmissshameless https://www.instagram.com/ladybusty https://www.instagram.com/shameless_winehore

Teater Dictat - Sketches Invented and Drawn

Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 19:30

At Bastionen, Norra Vallgatan 28, Malmö.

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  • Sketches Invented and Drawn Newly written drama in English by Matthew Short! After a first run of celebrated performances at Dublin Gay Theatre Festival the show is now coming to Malmö during Pride week A tour-de-sex from the 19th century to today! In this raw and evocative monologue Johan Svensson assumes the role of its playwright, Matthew, as he traces a journey of a life lived in the cracks of history. From Devon to Gothenburg, Naples to London, gay men populate our past and present in ways untold before. Reality bends, just like its men, and the threads that pull Matthew together slowly become undone. Now Johan is left trying to piece it all together. Like a true epic, this play spans the European continent with a uniquely Sw-english perspective. Playwright · Matthew Short Performer · Johan Svensson Director · Magdi Saleh Duration: 75 minutes. ”Something quite different, with a lovely classical coating /…/ the velvety tones of Svensson are at times hypnotic" – recension på Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 ”Superbly entertaining, exquisitely delivered, outstanding” – audience reaction, Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 Supported by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Region Halland, Varbergs kommun.

Malmös Queera historia

Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 19.00.00

At Norra Vallgatan 60, 211 22 Malmö

Entry Cost: 220

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  • Under Malmö Pride kommer Rundan anordna en specialskriven guidad tur om Malmös gueera historia. En del av Malmös historia som ofta glöms eller göms bort. Guidningen är skriven och hålls av Nicole Voigt som är en av våra guider men också sexualupplysare och snart färdigutbildad sociolog som fokuserat på sexualitet och relationer. Turen börjar och avslutas vid Rundan och biljetter köps via biljettlänken på vår sida eller direkt hos Rundan på Norra Vallgatan 60.

Organised by Stromma Rundan

PAGE 28 Queer Comedy Night på Boule Bar Folkets Park

Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 20:00

At BouleBar Folkets Park


Date: 2024-07-04

Time: 21:00

At SLM Malmö, Sallerupsvägen 30, 212 18 Malmö

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  • Särskild inbjudan krävs

Bokprat under Pride: Queer science fiction, fantasy och skräck

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 16.00.00

At Science fiction bokhandeln, Södra Förstadsgatan 26 Malmö

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  • Under Malmö Pride bjuder vi in till bokprat på Science Fiction-Bokhandeln! Vi presenterar många av våra favoriter ur de senaste årens utgivning av science fiction, fantasy och skräck med HBTQIA+-tema och -representation.

Organised by Science fiction bokhandeln

Teater Dictat - Sketches Invented and Drawn

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 17:00

At Bastionen, Norra Vallgatan 28, Malmö.

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  • Sketches Invented and Drawn Newly written drama in English by Matthew Short! After a first run of celebrated performances at Dublin Gay Theatre Festival the show is now coming to Malmö during Pride week A tour-de-sex from the 19th century to today! In this raw and evocative monologue Johan Svensson assumes the role of its playwright, Matthew, as he traces a journey of a life lived in the cracks of history. From Devon to Gothenburg, Naples to London, gay men populate our past and present in ways untold before. Reality bends, just like its men, and the threads that pull Matthew together slowly become undone. Now Johan is left trying to piece it all together. Like a true epic, this play spans the European continent with a uniquely Sw-english perspective. Playwright · Matthew Short Performer · Johan Svensson Director · Magdi Saleh Duration: 75 minutes. ”Something quite different, with a lovely classical coating /…/ the velvety tones of Svensson are at times hypnotic" – recension på Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 ”Superbly entertaining, exquisitely delivered, outstanding” – audience reaction, Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 Supported by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Region Halland, Varbergs kommun.

Pride <3 Malmö Sommarscen: Chocolate Remix and Knut€

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 19:00

At Pildammsteatern, John Ericssons Väg 43, 217 62 Malmö

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  • Välkommen att både njuta och känna glädje till tonerna av tung hiphop, raggaeton, äkta kärlek och dans. Malmö Sommarscen bjuder in Sydamerikanska Chocolate Remix och Malmöundret Knut€ till årets Pridekväll. Knut€ Med influenser från jazz och den franska hiphop-scenen leker Knut€ med ett experimentellt sound och skapar sin helt egna grej. Kontrasten mellan smutsiga trummor och atmosfäriska melodier ger utrymme för en lyrik som är både lekfull och djupgående. Även kallad "youngin" i branschen, har hon snabbt välkomnats av Malmöscenen och har sedan dess kört på för fullt! Hennes första singel är redan ute och en EP väntas i slutet av året. Kvällen till ära tar hon med sig Malmös kanske charmigaste band. Tillsammans med dessa fantastiska människor skildrar Knut€ ett liv av sårbarhet, tonårskärlek och personlig utveckling. Detta är ett gäng unga Malmöbor som garanterar både hemtrevliga, svängiga och råa spår för alla som är nyfikna på det nya Malmösoundet! Chocolate Remix Galna dembow beats, cumbia, funk carioca, neoperreo och reggaeton - Chocolate Remix kombinerar musikaliska traditioner från hela Sydamerika med ett modernt urbant sound på ett sätt som gör det omöjligt för publiken att sitta still! Bakom detta soloprojekt döljer sig producenten, rapparen, sångerskan och DJ:n Romina Bernard. Sedan starten 2013 har Chocolate Remixs mål varit att hävda sin rätt i en annars historiskt sexistisk musikgenre och bidra med en queer och feministisk synvinkel. Projektet tar vara på de starka sexuella anspelningar som är vanliga i genren men fokuserar i stället på tabubelagda ämnen som kvinnlig sexualitet och njutning. Det blir samtidigt ett slag tillbaka mot de utmaningar som HBTQIA-samhället ofta står inför, som diskriminering, censur och våld. Med slagkraftiga och skarpa texter fyllda av satir och humor kommer Chocolate Remix till Sommarscens Pridekväll för att förmedla ett starkt socialt budskap – musik som bjuder in oss att både dansa och tänka. Medverkande Knut€ Emma Landgren: piano Kalle Landgren: gitarr Gunnar Månsson Holm: bas Victor Arwidi: saxofon Lovisa Fältskog: trummor Konrad Carnemalm: gitarr

Teater Dictat - Sketches Invented and Drawn

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 19:30

At Bastionen, Norra Vallgatan 28, Malmö.

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  • Sketches Invented and Drawn Newly written drama in English by Matthew Short! After a first run of celebrated performances at Dublin Gay Theatre Festival the show is now coming to Malmö during Pride week A tour-de-sex from the 19th century to today! In this raw and evocative monologue Johan Svensson assumes the role of its playwright, Matthew, as he traces a journey of a life lived in the cracks of history. From Devon to Gothenburg, Naples to London, gay men populate our past and present in ways untold before. Reality bends, just like its men, and the threads that pull Matthew together slowly become undone. Now Johan is left trying to piece it all together. Like a true epic, this play spans the European continent with a uniquely Sw-english perspective. Playwright · Matthew Short Performer · Johan Svensson Director · Magdi Saleh Duration: 75 minutes. ”Something quite different, with a lovely classical coating /…/ the velvety tones of Svensson are at times hypnotic" – recension på Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 ”Superbly entertaining, exquisitely delivered, outstanding” – audience reaction, Dublin Gay Theatre Festival 2024 Supported by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Region Halland, Varbergs kommun.

Transfesten SYD 2024

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 20.00.00

At Brogatan, Brogatan 12

Entry Cost: 150

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  • Varmt välkomna till en festkväll fylld av stolthet, eufori, musik och dans. Vi utlovar också årets intimaste spelning med Tami T. Detta är en plats för transpersoner och allierade att göra motstånd och fira oss själva! Vi bjuder på: Tami T Cynthia Forlorne DJ Fae jr Danceoke 150 kr förköp, 200 kr i dörren⁠ Biljettköp: https://forms.gle/xnBba9fvbpXAYP9r5 - OBS Detta är en mindre festlokal, och därför få biljetter att tillgå. Köp din idag! ⁠⁠ Tillgänglighet: Festlokal i markplan. Tillgänglig toalett finns. Alkoholförsäljning, vilket innebär 18-årsgräns. ⁠ Arrangörer: Transammans Syd Producenter: Julia Hagerberg & Rebecka Eriksson I samarbete med: RFSL Malmö och Malmö Pride 🤍 ⁠ TRANSFESTEN SYD 2024⁠ ⁠ A varm welcome to this party night filled with pride, euphoria, music and dans. We also promise you the most intimate show with Tami T of this year. This is A space for trans people and allies to do resistance by celebrating ourselves! Line up: Tami T Cynthia Forlorne DJ Fae jr Danceoke Brogatan, Brogatan 12, Friday July 5, at 20:00-01:00.⁠ 150 kr presale, 200 kr at the door⁠ Ticket payment: https://forms.gle/xnBba9fvbpXAYP9r5 - NB This is a small venue, with few tickets available. Get yours today! ⁠⁠ Accessibility: Venue on ground level. Accessible toilet available. Alcohol sold, with corresponding age limit 18 for entry. ⁠ Produced by: Transammans Syd Production: Julia Hagerberg & Rebecka Eriksson In collaboration with: RFSL Malmö and Malmö Pride https://www.facebook.com/events/827998795887470

Organised by Transammans Syd

Indigo Flamingo at Skånes Dansteater

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 21:00

At Skånes Dansteater, Östra Varvsgatan 13A, 211 73 Malmö

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  • Welcome to the dreamlike clubland of Indigo Flamingo - a dance performance inspired by Malmö’s LGBTQIA+ history, places and people. For tickets and more information go to: https://www.skanesdansteater.se/indigo-flamingo With only five summer shows Skånes Dansteater opens up the doors for Indigo Flamingo, an interactive performance by the choreographer Gwyn Emberton in collaboration with members of the LBTQIA+ community of Malmö and Malmö Pride. Host and DJ Qarl Qunt (Sofia Södergård) invites you to step into the dreamlike clubland of 'Indigo Flamingo', filled with the highs and lows of memories and ideas that appear out of the dance floor itself. It will be a party that’s like no other, and with a setlist to match, from club classics to seventies disco and Schlager hits that have been selected by members of the community, with some surprises thrown in and mixed by Mr Qarl Qunt himself. This is (Malmö’s) history with a twist but with lots of dancing.

SLM: Mixad kväll för alla kön och läggningar

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 21:00

At SLM Malmö, Sallerupsvägen 30, 212 18 Malmö

Entry Cost: 60

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  • Alla är välkomna Ingen dresskod Entre 60 kr

Opera Libera (Eurovision Cooldown)

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 21:00

At Boulebar Folkets Park

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  • OPERA LIBERA. TOGETHER IN LIFE, TOGETHER ON STAGE Opera Libera was born as a collaboration of two young opera singers from Kyiv, Ukraine: Erik Zielinski, a tenor, and Chris Libert, a soprano (both are artistic names). Erik and Chris have met in 2012 and started their joint artistic way. Their first project was a musical “The Rise of the Golden Lion” written by Erik, who is also a pianist and composer. Another part of their repertoire at that time included songs from popular movies and art songs in different languages. Since 2020, Erik and Chris are studying the art of opera singing at La Scala Nobile school located in the Netherlands. In pre-war Kyiv, they had many concerts combining famous operatic arias, storytelling and poetry. After the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine, Erik and Chris have found a refuge in the beautiful medieval Swedish city of Lund. There, they continue to offer the art of opera and classical music to people. Among other projects, now they are working on a semi-stage performance of “Carmen” by George Bizet. This performance named “Carmen. A story of one passion” will take place in Stenkrossen theater in Lund the upcoming May. The repertoire of Opera Libera includes arias and scenes from the operas of XVIII-XX centuries, church music and art songs in different languages.

Club Mermaid Pride Party

Date: 2024-07-05

Time: 22:00

At Inkonst

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  • Featuring international super star CLOVER BISH (Drag Race España) Mermaid Royalty CLOE FISH and Malmö icons COCKY KINGS!! DJ’s queer Malmö superstar FASCIA and for the first time in Malmö MAMDOUH313 …AAAAAND karaoke hosted by Malmö’s coolest it-girl trio U CAN SING WITH US Hosted by Mother Mermaid Jonna Blode Hanno GET YOUR TICKET NOW ! Door tickets 200 kr, save money & get yours nowww.

Malmö Pride Parade

Date: 2024-07-06

Time: 12:00

At Lördagsplan, Slottsparken, 211 33

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  • The Malmö Pride Parade is a highlight of our festival, bringing together thousands of people to march for LGBTQIA+ rights. Details: When? 6th July, gather at 12.00, march at 13.00 Where? Lördagsplan, opposite Stadsbiblioteket. We march to Folkets Park. Stick around in Pride Park afterwards for concerts, celebration and community. There will be a variety of activities and of course our amazing headliners.

Drag Boule med Boulebar in Pride Park

Date: 2024-07-06

Time: 12:00

At Boulebar Folkets Park

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  • Enjoy Malmö Pride's last day in the July sun with some boule, bellinis and drag! The Ada Option and Cloe Fish will not only entertain, but also be there to guide you on how to handle your balls. And if you're not in a competitive mood, just sit back with your cocktail or dance along to music provided by our DJ 3asal. Boule tournament starts at 12, and there are many surprises awaiting~

Regia live at sallys

Date: 2024-07-06

Time: 21.00.00

At Sallys Kafé, folkets park

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  • Regia, an international band with members from Chile, England, Sweden and Russia based in Malmo with influences from psychedelia, South American folklore, electronic and tribal rhythms of the world. In 2023 they released their first EP which can be listened to on digital platforms.

Organised by Sallys Kafé/Regia band

PAGE 28: Boksamtal med Zafira Vrba Woodski

Date: 2024-07-07

Time: 16:00

At Page 28, Karlskronaplan 11

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  • Boksamtal med Zafira Vrba Woodski om hennes bok Transtillstånd

Indigo Flamingo at Skånes Dansteater

Date: 2024-07-07

Time: 19:00

At Skånes Dansteater, Östra Varvsgatan 13A, 211 73 Malmö

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  • Welcome to the dreamlike clubland of Indigo Flamingo - a dance performance inspired by Malmö’s LGBTQIA+ history, places and people. For tickets and more information go to: https://www.skanesdansteater.se/indigo-flamingo With only five summer shows Skånes Dansteater opens up the doors for Indigo Flamingo, an interactive performance by the choreographer Gwyn Emberton in collaboration with members of the LBTQIA+ community of Malmö and Malmö Pride. Host and DJ Qarl Qunt (Sofia Södergård) invites you to step into the dreamlike clubland of 'Indigo Flamingo', filled with the highs and lows of memories and ideas that appear out of the dance floor itself. It will be a party that’s like no other, and with a setlist to match, from club classics to seventies disco and Schlager hits that have been selected by members of the community, with some surprises thrown in and mixed by Mr Qarl Qunt himself. This is (Malmö’s) history with a twist but with lots of dancing.

Indigo Flamingo at Skånes Dansteater

Date: 2024-07-10

Time: 20:00

At Skånes Dansteater, Östra Varvsgatan 13A, 211 73 Malmö

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  • Welcome to the dreamlike clubland of Indigo Flamingo - a dance performance inspired by Malmö’s LGBTQIA+ history, places and people. For tickets and more information go to: https://www.skanesdansteater.se/indigo-flamingo With only five summer shows Skånes Dansteater opens up the doors for Indigo Flamingo, an interactive performance by the choreographer Gwyn Emberton in collaboration with members of the LBTQIA+ community of Malmö and Malmö Pride. Host and DJ Qarl Qunt (Sofia Södergård) invites you to step into the dreamlike clubland of 'Indigo Flamingo', filled with the highs and lows of memories and ideas that appear out of the dance floor itself. It will be a party that’s like no other, and with a setlist to match, from club classics to seventies disco and Schlager hits that have been selected by members of the community, with some surprises thrown in and mixed by Mr Qarl Qunt himself. This is (Malmö’s) history with a twist but with lots of dancing.

Indigo Flamingo at Skånes Dansteater

Date: 2024-07-11

Time: 20:00

At Skånes Dansteater, Östra Varvsgatan 13A, 211 73 Malmö

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  • Welcome to the dreamlike clubland of Indigo Flamingo - a dance performance inspired by Malmö’s LGBTQIA+ history, places and people. For tickets and more information go to: https://www.skanesdansteater.se/indigo-flamingo With only five summer shows Skånes Dansteater opens up the doors for Indigo Flamingo, an interactive performance by the choreographer Gwyn Emberton in collaboration with members of the LBTQIA+ community of Malmö and Malmö Pride. Host and DJ Qarl Qunt (Sofia Södergård) invites you to step into the dreamlike clubland of 'Indigo Flamingo', filled with the highs and lows of memories and ideas that appear out of the dance floor itself. It will be a party that’s like no other, and with a setlist to match, from club classics to seventies disco and Schlager hits that have been selected by members of the community, with some surprises thrown in and mixed by Mr Qarl Qunt himself. This is (Malmö’s) history with a twist but with lots of dancing.